A Note About Our V Serum From Our Head of Product & Education

Dear Kindra Community,

Over the last year, The Kindra Innovation Lab has poured over your thoughtful reviews, emails, and feedback that you have shared with us about your experiences with vaginal dryness and discomfort.  Many of you met with us one on one to share how you’re feeling, how you’re navigating this new chapter of life, and how some physical symptoms impacted you emotionally and mentally.

From losing hours of sleep over feelings of itching or burning, to feeling like your relationships were affected; when you longed for intimacy, but pain or feeling uncomfortable got in the way. I heard more times than I can count that you simply suffered through it, and had given up on promising products. We even heard, “I feel I am invisible and my needs don’t matter.” 

Your needs do matter. We hear you. We see you. Each of you experience menopause differently. Your hormonal shifts are unique to you. Just as importantly, your vulva and vagina is uniquely you, too.

Some of you shared with us that you are experiencing severe dryness and quite a bit of discomfort and sensitivity, including itching, burning, stinging, and painful sex. So, we researched and tested rigorously to develop an additional science-backed, hormone-free intimate care solution with sensitivity and severe dryness in mind.

I am thrilled to share with you, V Serum. This breakthrough formula was developed with equal parts deep scientific research, critical insight from board certified OB/GYNs, and your invaluable feedback. V Relief Serum has been specially developed with tender, sensitive intimate skin in mind, formulated with a clinically-studied peptide shown to reduce skin sensitivity and discomfort, plus skin-critical moisturizers and humectants like hyaluronic acid and Vitamin E. We specifically took into consideration your shifting vaginal and vulvar pH, especially as you journey through hormonal changes.

If you’re feeling particularly dry, irritated, or hypersensitive externally, (vulva) or at the vaginal opening, (introitus), V Serum might be just what you need. The silky texture is intended to mimic the fluid our body’s naturally produce - immediately soothing, calming, and hydrating tender intimate skin. I wish for you to find the same relief as 100% of women in our independent consumer study, who reported improvement in the severity of their vulvar and vaginal discomfort. I wish for you, too, to feel like one reviewer, “I feel like myself again,” or “finally…complete relief.”

I can’t wait for you to try V Serum, and am so looking forward to hearing about your experience. Thank you for being a part of this community. If you have any questions, please send me a note at hello@ourkindra.com, or give us a call at (973) 636-1177.

With gratitude, 

Hasti Nazem

Head of Product and Education

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